This is VineLife
This is VineLife [ formerly Vitally Vineyard] is an introduction to the life and ministry of VineLife Church. This is a brief history of this congregation, our relationship with Vineyard USA, and the mission, vision, values, and commitments of the VineLife Church.
Lots of churches would call this a membership class. We call it an introduction because we do not have a formal membership. Instead of focusing on paper agreements, we are looking for those who believe in what we are doing, and then commit themselves through actually keeping the five commitments. We are not looking to inflate our roles through paper contracts. We are looking for those who want to connect and will Serve People, Give Back to God, Extend the Kingdom of God, Build Community Through LifeGroups, and Live a Godly Lifestyle. If you plan to join us for This is VineLife, please register for the class so that we can have plenty of materials for everyone.