Dear Parent:
We are so excited about your decision to dedicate your child to the Lord. With your decision you stand in a long line of parents, (two thousand years) who have sought to rear their children in the faith and have sought the counsel and encouragement of the church in so doing. It is our desire in dedication to honor your public commitment with our own commitment as a church to be your partner in that endeavor, and we look forward to seeing your child grow in the faith.
Once you have registered your child for dedication here are a few of the things we need from you.
1. Please send us a photo of your child by the end of day on November 17th.
2. Please give me your child’s full name, date of birth, and include your full names (as parents).
3. Please include whatever reasons you named your child what you did. Is it a family name? Is it symbolic to you? Tell me the story briefly.
4. Invite your friends and family to witness the dedication.
5. On December 1st, please show up early and check in with the reception desk so that we know you are here and ready to go.
Hal Hester, D.Min