Start Here – Fall 2023
Have you ever wanted to share your faith but you did not know where or how to start?
START HERE is about equipping the body of Christ to make disciples and fulfill the great commission. Beginning Wednesday, September 6, we want the body of Christ to share their faith in non-confrontational way that is fun and engaging.
We will have materials to help you invite your unsaved friend (just one) to join you at the table for an 11-week series on Wednesday nights, plus a weekend getaway. Each night they will be served dinner, they will hear a brief and basic message about Christianity, and then over dessert they will have the opportunity to ask questions, state their opinions without judgement, and to meet new and interesting people. But the most powerful tool for evangelism that you have is your time, your kindness, and your prayers. While the materials are good, nothing can compare with you investing in them. The best part is this, everything you are going to learn in this approach is transferable. You can do this same approach without a big church event. You can do it in your LifeGroup. Or you can do it in your home very low-key. The point is simply to START HERE and let the Lord lead. Will you join us?
If you are a new christian or uncertain about your faith you may have some of the same questions. Let me invite you to sign up and participate in the dinners and discussions.