Meeting Times
Doors open after communion during the 10am gathering.
Parents of students: We’d love to get to know you too! Fill out a One Another Card at drop off and schedule a hang out with one of our leaders!

What to expect
Each Sunday morning we participate in the main worship service up to the end of communion. When the video plays right before the message begins is the time to head out of the Worship Center, down the hall and to the left. Students in grades 6-12 are welcome to join us in the Voyage Student Ministry area for a message geared towards them, some fellowship with the other students and leaders, and small group time.
Our mission
Our mission in Voyage Student Ministries is to encourage, lead and disciple students to pursue a growing relationship with Jesus. We do this by building relationships with our students. “[They] are not problems to be solved. They are people to be loved.” —Reggie Joiner. We aren’t trying to fix our students, but rather come alongside them and help them discover who they are in Christ.
Get to know our Student Ministry Pastor, Bobby Hardwick